Not All Mosquitoes Are The Same

Different mosquitoes spread different viruses and bite at different times of the day

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The Mosquitoes of Maryland In our service area, we have three primary mosquito species that are a disease concern. They are the Aedes aegypti (yellow fever mosquito), Aedes albopictus (Asian tiger mosquito) and Culex pipiens (common house mosquito).

Viruses Spread

Chikungunya  virus is a pathogen transmitted by mosquitoes, Chikungunya virus in Florida in July of 2014. As of July 22, 2014,  The name “Chikungunya” is attributed to the Kimakonde (a Mozambique dialect) word meaning “that which bends up”, which describes the primary symptom – excruciating joint pain. Although rarely fatal, the symptoms are debilitating and may persist for several weeks. There is no vaccine and primary treatment is limited to pain medication.

The mosquito species that transmit this disease are the Asian Tiger Mosquito (Aedes albopictus) and the Yellow Fever Mosquito (Aedes aegypti). Genetically, it appears that viral strain currently spreading throughout the Americas is more easily transmitted by Ae. aegypti. Both species lay their eggs in containers such as cans, discarded tires and other items that hold water close to human habitation, but Ae. aegypti is more geographically confined to the southeastern United States. 

West Nile Virus

Mosquitoes that have been infected by feeding on birds that have the virus transmit the West Nile virus to humans.

In rare instances, the virus can be spread from person to person through organ donation, blood transfusion, breastfeeding or from pregnant mother to fetus, health officials said.


The disease affects the nervous system, and up to 80% of people who are infected will not display any signs of illness at all. Those who have underlying health conditions, however, could become seriously ill. 


People who do develop illness may experience mild symptoms such as fever, headache and body aches; occasionally, a skin rash and swollen lymph glands may be noticed. Symptoms can last a few days or as long as several weeks. People who are older than 50 years or have immunocompromised conditions can become seriously ill.


"We urge people to be vigilant and take steps to avoid infection. 


West Nile virus was detected in the U.S. for the first time in 1999, and the number of Marylanders infected with the virus fluctuates each season. In 2019, there were seven people who were confirmed positive in the state, one in 2020 and two in 2021.


Health officials recommend anyone concerned about mosquitoes to cover up exposed skin and use an insect repellent registered with the Environmental Protection Agency.

Residents should also monitor yards and gardens for areas of high mosquito activity, especially standing water that can serve as a breeding ground for mosquitoes. This includes small amounts of water in a discarded can or container, which can support dozens of mosquitoes, as will clogged rain gutters or drain pipes.



Biting Habbits and How to protect your family


Avoid outbreaks. To the extent possible, travelers should avoid known foci of epidemic disease transmission. The CDC Travelers’ Health website provides updates on regional disease transmission patterns and outbreaks (

Be aware of peak exposure times and places. Exposure to arthropod bites may be reduced if travelers modify their patterns or locations of activity. Although mosquitoes may bite at any time of day, peak biting activity for vectors of some diseases (such as dengue and chikungunya) is during daylight hours. Vectors of other diseases (such as malaria) are most active in twilight periods (dawn and dusk) or in the evening after dark. Avoiding the outdoors or taking preventive actions (such as using repellent) during peak biting hours may reduce risk. Place also matters; ticks and chiggers are often found in grasses, woodlands, or other vegetated areas. Local health officials or guides may be able to point out areas with increased arthropod activity.

Wear appropriate clothing. Travelers can minimize areas of exposed skin by wearing long-sleeved shirts, long pants, boots, and hats. Tucking in shirts, tucking pants into socks, and wearing closed shoes instead of sandals may reduce risk. Repellents or insecticides, such as permethrin, can be applied to clothing and gear for added protection. (Additional information on clothing is below.)

Check for ticks. Travelers should inspect themselves and their clothing for ticks during outdoor activity and at the end of the day. Prompt removal of attached ticks can prevent some infections. Showering within 2 hours of being in a tick-infested area reduces the risk of some tick borne diseases.

Bed nets. When accommodations are not adequately screened or air conditioned, bed nets are essential in providing protection and reducing discomfort caused by biting insects. If bed nets do not reach the floor, they should be tucked under mattresses. Bed nets are most effective when they are treated with a pyrethroid insecticide. 


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